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HomeBusiness Brokers Gregory Prekupec


Gregory Prekupec

Dipchand LLP - Canada - Ontario -

Dipchand LLP is a full-service law firm that specializes in franchise law, providing expert legal services to franchisors and franchisees across Canada. The firm offers a comprehensive range of services to clients, including growth and expansion strategies, legal structure, becoming a franchise, partnership or shareholder relations, trademark and IP rights, leasing and property, capital and financing strategies, statutory and regulatory compliance, expansion into Canada, acquisition of individual franchised units, franchise assessment and evaluation, franchise agreement assessment, and comprehensive disclosure document assessment. Our firm has a proven track record of providing emerging and established clients with insightful legal advice and strategies. Our expert consultation encompasses all aspects of your business ventures: starting-up, developing a new market, growing your existing business, and selling or purchasing an existing business.

Gregory Prekupec Listings

Dipchand LLP Franchise & Commercial Law Services Available in Ontario

Ontario, Canada




Legal Services